Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col2" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col3" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col4" does not exist.

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Privacy Policy

The Latvian Academy of Art Institute of Art History governs the collection, storage and use of the personal data collected on its website. By accessing this website you confirm that you have read and understood this privacy policy. This privacy policy provides information on the way the Latvian Academy of Art Institute of Art History collects and processes the personal data of our website visitors.


This website is owned and managed by Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija (registration number 90000029965, legal address 13 Kalpaka boulevard, Rīga, Latvia), called the Data Controller. We protect and take care of the privacy and protection of personal data of visitors of the website. We undertake to respect your right to lawful processing and protection of personal data as well as to comply with the applicable laws and regulations on the protection of personal data — Personal Data Protection Law, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other laws and regulations if such are applicable to data processing.


We collect, store and use the following personal data:

  • Information about your computer (IP address, device model, screen size, internet browser);
  • Your geographic location;
  • Information you provide to apply for receiving newsletters;
  • Information you provide to register;
  • Any other information you wish to send to us.


We may use your personal data to:

  • Provide the best possible visual and technical experience for your specific device model, screen size and internet browser;
  • Remember your language choice;
  • Remember your cookies settings;
  • Reply to your information queries;
  • Prevent or disclose fraud or other offences;
  • Verify your identity for logging into the registered users section;
  • Provide your data security.


We use short-term (Session) and long-term (Persistent) cookies. Session cookies allow us to track your actions during a single browsing session, but they do not remain on your device afterwards. Persistent cookies remain on your device between sessions. We use them to authenticate you and to remember your preferences.

We also use third party cookies for the purpose of ensuring secure and comfortable operation of the website, as well as for the purposes of generation of internal statistics, i.e. in order to find out more details about the visitor’s operations at the website and to analyse the visitors’ user experience.

These cookies are mandatory for the full operation of the website, however, we also use cookies that are non-mandatory, so you are able to reject them. In this case the website will be loaded without containing the code which activates these non-mandatory cookies. As non-mandatory cookies we use the “Google Analytics” service, which sends user tracking data to the Google servers. In its Privacy policy Google prohibits the transmission of personally identifiable information, so we invite you to accept the usage of these non-mandatory cookies. For more information on “Google Analytics” cookies, please see here.

To accept or reject the usage of cookies, please click here.


Your information will not be disclosed to third parties except for cases where we will have received your explicitly stated consent or where the disclosure of information is requested in accordance with laws and regulations.


In the event you wish to review, correct, update or otherwise change the information provided to us, or you wish to prohibit its management, please contact us.


We seek to ensure the protection of your personal data, therefore, this website is protected by appropriate means designed for the protection of information beyond our control against loss, malicious use or modification. Although we apply security measures to protect confidential information and ensure appropriate security, we do not guarantee that the information transmitted over the internet is safe or that such transmissions will not be subject to delay, disturbance, interception or error.


Please note that our Privacy policy will not apply to other websites that you may get to via a link from our website.


This privacy policy may be subject to changes without prior notice. The latest version of the privacy policy is published on this website.

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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