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Voldemārs Zeltiņš

Voldemārs Zeltiņš

Kristiāna Ābele

In Latvian with English summary

Copy editor: Māra Ņikitina
Translators into English: Stella Pelše, Kristiāna Ābele
Editor of English: Iveta Boiko
Designer: Armands Zelčs

Riga: Neputns, 2021. 359 pp., 155 images

ISBN 9789934601316

The first monograph about the legendary painter Voldemārs Zeltiņš (1879–1909) closes a gap that hitherto contradicted to his exceptional status in the art history of Latvia. The life of Zeltiņš is revealed as part of Latvian young literary and artistic bohème in the early 20th century, while his oeuvre and its influence are discussed in the context of related local and international developments where he reached the verge of Expressionism. The book presents almost all hitherto discovered works by Zeltiņš from public and private collections.

English summary: P. 321–332

Supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation and printed at “Jelgavas tipogrāfija”.

Available from the publisher at “Neputna galerija” (Rīga, Tērbatas iela 49/51), in its online shop ( as well as in other bookshops in Latvia.

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