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The First Riga City Architect Johann Daniel Felsko (1813–1902)

The First Riga City Architect Johann Daniel Felsko (1813–1902)

In Latvian with English and German summaries
Title in Latvian: Pirmais Rīgas pilsētas arhitekts Johans Daniels Felsko (1813–1902)

Daina Lāce

Copy editor: Māra Ņikitina
Translator into English: Stella Pelše
Translator into German: Agnese Bergholde
Designer: Rauls Liepiņš (“Al secco”)

Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Support Foundation, 2012. 348 pp., 174 images.

ISBN 9789934835513

Johann Daniel Felsko (1813–1902) is the first Master Builder of Riga who received academic training and held the title of City Architect. After journeyman’s travels and studies of architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, the most prominent North European centre of artistic education in that time, he returned to his native city. Felsko belongs to the first generation of Historicist architects. His four decades of creativity illustrate the appearance and development of Neo-Gothic, Neo-Renaissance and round-arch style in the biggest Baltic port city of the Russian Empire. Daina Lāce’s monograph is based on her PhD dissertation that was defended at the Latvian Academy of Art in 2010, and its publication celebrates the forthcoming 200th anniversary of the architect’s birth.

English summary: The First Riga City Architect Johann Daniel Felsko (1813–1902). P. 295–303
German summary: Der erste Rigaer Stadtarchitekt Johann Daniel Felsko (1813–1902). P. 309–318

Supporters: State Culture Capital Foundation, City Council of Riga, municipal agency “Riga City Architect’s Office”, State Inspection for Heritage Protection, M. C. A. Böckler – Mare Balticum-Stiftung (Germany).

Electronic version of the book can be purchased here

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