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Riga Dom Cathedral. Treasures of Architecture and Art

Riga Dom Cathedral. Treasures of Architecture and Art

In Latvian and English
Title in Latvian: Rīgas Doms. Arhitektūras un mākslas vērtības

Elita Grosmane, Ivo Simsons

Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Support Foundation, 2014
ISBN 9789934835599

The majestic volume of the Riga Dom Cathedral has become one of Riga’s landmarks, attracting the attention of both Rigans and tourists by its old age as well as by sacred, secular and musical activities. This is one of the earliest brick buildings in the eastern Baltic region, an ambitious construction preserving the oldest testimonies of architecture and plastic décor regardless of alterations brought by different epochs. The tour around Riga Dom Cathedral begins with a topographic walk. Interested people can inspect the church’s history in a chronological order from the beginnings till our days. The next part deals with the items of furnishings and the conclusion presents four reconstruction models. This study and collection of materials is addressed to a wide spectrum of interested people – tourists, travelers, collectors of impressions, refined connoisseurs of architecture and art.

Supported by the State Research Programme “National Identity”.


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