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Shopping information

With a previous arrangement, it is possible to buy publications at the Institute of Art History, Rīga, Akadēmijas laukums 1–301/302.
E-mail: Various ways of delivery are possible.

Stella Pelše is responsible for deals with juridical persons (, 20268311).

Publications are also available in bookstores of the Publishing House Zinātne (Akadēmijas laukums 1), Neputns Gallery at 49/51 Tērbatas Street (“Art History of Latvia”) and Art Academy of Latvia Department of Art History and Theory at 13 Kalpaka Boulevard, room no. 15 (e-mail:


Available for purchase:

  • “Art History of Latvia” in Latvian and English version (I, III, IV, V)
  • Journal “Art History and Theory”. In Latvian with English summaries (No. 16–27)
  • Vija Strupule. Decorative painting in Riga’s interiors. 16th century – third quarter of the 18th century. In Latvian with English and German summaries. (Dissertations – VII)
  • Inese Sirica. Painted Decorations on Latvian Dowry Chests and Wardrobes: Late 18th – Early 20th Century. In Latvian with English summary. (Dissertations – VI)
  • Anna Ancāne. Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century. In Latvian with English and German summaries. (Dissertations – V)
  • Agnese Bergholde. Medieval Architecture and Plastic Decor of Riga Dom Cathedral in the Context of European Analogies. In Latvian with a longer German summary. (Dissertations – IV)
  • Stella Pelše. History of Latvian Art Theory: Definitions of Art in the Context of the Prevailing Ideas of the Time (1900–1940) in English. (Dissertations – I)
  • Karīna Horsta. Sanatorium Architecture in Latvia: 1918–1940. In Latvian with English summary
  • “Art and Architecture of Latvia. Index of Books 18th Century – 2000”. In Latvian
  • Guidebook “Latvian Academy of Sciences Building” (Lv and Eng versions)
  • Guidebook “The Building of the Latvian National Museum of Art” (Lv and Eng versions)


Free copies available:

  • Collected articles in English “The Migration of Artists and Architects in Central and Northern Europe, 1560–1900”
© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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