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Monta Gintere

Position: research assistant

Degree: BA in art history (Bc. art.)

Phone: mob. +371 28312463


Born on 9 September 1999 in Riga.

Working at the Institute of Art History since 2024.

Research interests: Art and art education in Latvia (circa 1920–1940), the fates and creative activity of artists repressed by totalitarian regimes.

Education: Riga School of Design and Art (2015–2019), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (BA diss. “Artist Herberts Mangolds (1901–1978) and his creative activity”, 2023)

Since 2023 – Master programme at the Art Academy of Latvia. Subject of MA diss.: “Rihards Zariņš’ Graphic Art Master Class at Art Academy of Latvia and its significance in the development of graphic art”, Master thesis supervisor Kristiāna Ābele.




20. gadsimta mākslas un politiskās varas simbioze mākslinieka un Latvijas armijas virsnieka Herberta Mangolda dzīvē un daiļradē [Symbiosis of art and political power of the 20th century in the life and creative activity of Herberts Mangolds, artist and Latvian Army Officer] // Jauno vēsturnieku zinātniskie lasījumi IX / Sast. Ginta Ieva Bikše, Alberts Rokpelnis. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. – 210.–222. lpp. Summary: EN. Open access Open Access

Exhibition: “The Propaganda Effect: the Poster in Soviet Latvia as a Forgotten Phenomenon”, Art Academy of Latvia Experimental Art Space PILOT (with Inese Gātere, Laima Dūda, Zanda Kagaine, Sabīne Vernere and Aleksejs Beļeckis, 2023).

Reports at scientific conferences: in Latvia (Valmiera).

Languages: Latvian (native), English and Russian (fluent). 


Latest updates: 2024/10.

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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