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Vija Strupule

Position: researcher

Degree: Ph. D. in art history (Dr. art.)

Phone: mob. +37129264883


Born on 30 September 1958 in Jūrmala.

Working at the Institute of Art History since 2022. / Architectural and artistic researcher, art historian at Architectural Investigation Group Ltd since 1996. / Certified senior restorer in the field of architectural and artistic research.

Research interests: interior polychromy and paintings in Latvia (13th to 20th century), architectural research of Latvia’s historical buildings.

Education: Emīls Dārziņš Special Secondary Music School (1974–1978), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (diploma work “Sculpture of Small Dimensions in Latvia”, 1984), Faculty of Architectural Monument Protection, Restoration and Management at People’s University (1984–1986), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (MA diss. “Painted interiors of Riga burghers’ houses in the 16th–18th centuries”, 2003; Ph. D. diss. “Decorative painting in Riga’s interiors. 16th century – third quarter of the 18th century”, 2016).





Dekoratīvā glezniecība Rīgas interjeros: 16. gadsimts – 18. gadsimta 3. ceturksnis [Decorative painting in Riga's interiors. 16th century – third quarter of the 18th century]. – Rīga: Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Mākslas vēstures institūts; Mākslas vēstures pētījumu atbalsta fonds, 2023. – 408 lpp. (= Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Mākslas vēstures institūta disertācijas. – 7. sēj.). Summaries: EN, DE.


Summary of Ph. D. dissertation

Dekoratīvā glezniecība Rīgas interjeros. 16. gadsimts – 18. gadsimta 3. ceturksnis: Promocijas darba kopsavilkums = Decorative Painting in Riga’s Interiors. 16th Century – 3rd Quarter of the 18th Century: Summary of Doctoral Dissertation. / Zin. red. Elita Grosmane. – Rīga: Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija, 2016. – 80 lpp. Open access Open Access


Selected articles

Pastarā tiesa Rubenes luterāņu baznīcā [The Last Judgment in Rubene Evangelic Lutheran Church] // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. – 2023. – Nr. 27. – 80.–81. lpp.

The Role of Interior Paintings in the Lutheran Church Inner Space: The Cathedral of Riga in the 16th–17th Centuries // Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region (= Edition Mare Balticum. – Vol. 3) / Ed. by Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger. – Petersberg: Michael Imhof, 2020. – P. 157–166.

Ceiling Paintings in Riga in the Context of European Traditions: Fourth Quarter of the 17th Century – First Half of the 18th Century // Pasaulietinai interjerai: Ideja, dekoras, dizainas = Secular Interiors: Idea, Decor, Design. – Vilnius: Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla, 2014. – P. 27–45.

Acanthus Leaf Wreath in Baroque Period Ornamentation. Examples from Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Rīga Interior Paintings. 16th – mid-18th Century // Ornamentas: XVI–XX a. I pusés paveldo tyrimai. Mokslo straipsnių rinkinys / Ed. by Aleksandra Aleksandravičiūtė. – Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2014. – P. 193–242.

Luktu gleznojumi Rīgas Sv. Pētera baznīcā krāsotāju cunftes meistara Korda Meijera daiļrades kontekstā [Painted galleries of Riga St. Peter’s Church in the context of the painters’ guild master Cord Meyer’s activities] // Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. – A daļa. – 2013. – 67. sēj. – Nr. 2–5. – 160.–179. lpp.

Reflections of Antique Art in the Interior Paintings of Residences and Manor Houses in Latvia. The Second Half of the 18th Century – the First Quarter of the 19th Century // Baltic Journal of Art History. – 2011. – Vol. 3. – P. 251–280.

A Look into the Interior Culture of Manor Houses in Latvia. New Discovered Examples of Interior Finishes from the 18th Century to the End of the 19th Century // Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte im Balticum: Homburger Gespräch 2004. – Heft 21 / Hg. von Lars Olof Larsson. – Kiel: Martin-Carl-Adolf-Böckler-Stiftung, 2006. – S. 40–69.

The History of Architectural Paint Research in Latvia: Practice and Problems // Paint Research in Building Conservation / Ed. by Line Bregnhøi, Helen Hughes, Jenni Lindbom, Tone Olstad, Edwin Verweij. – London: Archetype Publications, 2006. – P. 52–57.

Ieskats Cēsu Jaunās pils interjeru vēsturē [Insight into the interior history of Cēsis New Palace]// Cēsu un Vidzemes novada vēsturē: Rakstu krājums. – 3. sēj. / Atb. red. Vija Rozentāle. – Cēsis: Cēsu pašvaldības aģentūra, 2005. – 155.–169. lpp.

Baroque Architecture and Interior Painting in Liepāja (Libau) in the Context of Gotland // Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte im Balticum: Homburger Gespräch 2003. – Heft 20 / Hg. von Lars Olof Larsson. – Kiel: Martin-Carl-Adolf-Böckler-Stiftung, 2005. – S. 54–73.

Interjeru glezniecība Rīgas pilsoņu namos no 16. līdz 18. gadsimtam [Painted interiors in dwelling houses of Riga burghers from the 16th to the 18th century] // Arhitektūra un māksla Rīgā. Idejas un objekti: Rakstu krājums / Sast. Jānis Zilgalvis. – Rīga: Neputns, 2004. – 41.–56. lpp.

Tukšo telpu mīts jeb polihromija Kristofa Hāberlanda interjeros [The myth of empty premises, or polychromy in Christoph Haberland’s interiors] // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. –2003. – Nr. 1. – 42.–49. lpp.

Interieurmalereien in den Bürgerhäusern Rigas, 16.–18. Jahrhundert // Geschichte in Schichten. Wand- und Deckenmalerei im städtischen Wohnbau des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit: Internationales Symposium 2000 in Lübeck / Hg. von Annegret Möhlenkamp, Ulrich Kuder, and Uwe Albrecht. – Lübeck: 2002. – S. 171–179.

Koka Rīgas interjeri // Koka Rīga / Red. Laima Slava. – Rīga: Neputns, 2001. – 166.–187. lpp.

Interiors // The Wooden Heritage of Riga / Ed. by Laima Slava. – Riga: Neputns; Latvia Nostra, 2001. – P. 166–187.

Krāsu spēles vēsturiskajos Rīgas interjeros [Colour plays in Riga’s historical interiors] // Latvijas Architektūra. – 2000. – Nr. 3. – 98.–102. lpp.

Baroka griestu iluzorā pasaule – rīdzinieka mājokļa rota [Illusory world of Baroque ceilings – pride of Rigan’s home] // Rīga – 800: Gadagrāmata 1999. – Rīga: Latvijas Kultūras fonds, 2000. – 55.–59. lpp.

Klasicisms Rīgas gleznotajos interjeros [Classicism in painted interiors of Riga]  // Studija. – 1999. – Nr. 6. – 78.–83. lpp.

Franciskāņu klosteris – neatminētā Vecrīgas mīkla [Franciscan monastery – a riddle of Old Riga]// Studija. – 1999. – Nr. 8. – 100.–105. lpp.


Selected architectural and artistic research work

Riga: 6 Amatu Street (Great Guild House, construction history, interiors from the 2nd half of the 19th to 20th century), 10 Audēju Street (late 17th to 19th century interiors), 15 Jauniela, 10 Laipu Street, 4 Zirgu Street (late 17th to 19th century façade polychromy), 13 Kalpaka Boulevard (Art Academy of Latvia building, early 20th century interiors), 2 Klostera Street (St. Mary Magdalene’s Church, 13th–19th century interior), 19 Kr. Valdemāra Street (late 19th century interiors), 8 Laipu Street (Franciscan Monastery building, 16th–17th century interiors), 2 Mārstaļu Street (Reutern House, late 17th –19th century interiors), 21 Mārstaļu Street (Dannenstern House, late 17th–19th century interiors), Minsterejas–Pasta–Kungu streets (historical research of quarter buildings), 3 Pils Square (Riga Castle, 16th–20th century interiors), 4 Skārņu Street (16th–17th century interiors), 1 Torņa Street (Arsenāls, construction history).

Liepāja: 9 Atmodas Boulevard (Officers’ Meeting House, 19th–20th century interiors), 16 Kungu Street (18th century interiors), 24 Kungu Street (17th century interiors), 9 Lielā Street (St. Trinity Church, construction history).

Ventspils: 2 Kuldīgas Street (2nd half of the 19th to 20th century interiors), 1 Tirgus Square (17th–20th century interiors).

Other places: Alūksne New Palace (late 19th to early 20th century interiors), Cēsis New Palace (late 18th to early 20th century interiors), Master’s Hall of Cēsis Medieval Castle (16th century interior), Bērvircava Manor House (late 17th to mid-19th century interiors), Bramberģe Manor House (17th–18th century interiors), Briņķi Pedvāle Manor house (18th–19th century interiors), Katvari Manor House (late 18th to 19th century interiors), Kukši Manor House (late 18th to 19th century interiors), Līvbērze Manor House (late 18th to 19th century interiors), Pasiene Monastery (late 18th to 20th century interiors), Ziemeri Manor House (late 18th to 20th century interiors).


Reports at conferences and public lectures: in Latvia (Rīga, Rundāle), Denmark (Copenhagen), Estonia (Tallinn), Finland (Helsinki), Germany (Lübeck, Bad Homburg), Lithuania (Vilnius) and Sweden (Visby).


Awards: Diploma of the Latvian Academy of Sciences “Latvian Science Achievement 2023” for the book “Decorative painting in Riga's interiors. 16th century – third quarter of the 18th century”.


Languages: Latvian (native), Russian (excellent), English (fluent), German (average).


Latest updates: 2024/01.

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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