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The Migration of Artists and Architects in Central and Northern Europe, 1560–1900

The Migration of Artists and Architects in Central and Northern Europe, 1560–1900

Rakstu krājums angļu valodā

Sastādītāja: Anna Ancāne

Redaktori: Kristiāna Ābele, Valdis Ābols
Priekšvārda tulkotāja: Stella Pelše
Mākslinieks: Rauls Liepiņš (“Al secco”)

Rīga: Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija, 2022. 280 lpp.

Drukātā versija: ISBN 9789934541957
Elektroniskā versija: ISBN 9789934541964

Grāmata izdota ar Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Zinātniskās padomes 2022. gada 29. novembra lēmumu

Zinātniskās recenzentes:
Dr. Džuljeta Rodinga (Juliette Roding) no Leidenes Universitātes
Dr. Kristiāna Ābele no LMA MVI


  • Anna Ancāne. Introduction
  • Konrad A. Ottenheym. Migration of architects in early modern Europe
  • Kathrin Wagner. The pre-migration phase and its significance for the migration of foreign artists working at the Tudor and Jacobean courts in London (1485–1642)
  • Michał Wardzyński. Sculptors Joseph van Enden (Eynden), Augustin van Oyen and Martin Christian Peterson: Last ‘Mannerist’ Netherlandish and Danish immigrants in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth?
  • Wendy Frère. A Quellinus in Scandinavia: Thomas Quellinus (1661–1709) and his artistic production in Denmark
  • Agnieszka Patała. Old connections die hard: Artistic migrations between Nuremberg and Breslau in the sixteenth century from the perspective of Silesia (selected issues)
  • Anna Ancāne. Transfer of new models in Riga architecture and sculptural décor in the 1750–60s: Johann Friedrich Oettinger, a travelling artist in military service, and immigrant sculptor Jacob Ernst Meyer
  • Aistė Paliušytė. Lithuanian contribution to the studies of artists’ migration in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
  • Hans J. Van Miegroet. Mapping artists and artist migrations with imperfect data
  • Aleksandra Lipińska. ‘On the move’ in Central and Northern Europe: Trends and methods in the research on artist migration
  • Alessandra Becucci. Chi non è conosciuto li conviene in età matura fare il noviziato: New documents for seventeenth-century artistic migration in Central Europe
  • Sanja Cvetnić. Rome in Croatia, via Tyrol
  • Ruth Sargent Noyes. Translatio reliquiae and translatio imperii between Italy and North-Eastern Europe in the Age of Partition (c. 1750–1800): The case of the Plater in Polish Livonia
  • Julia Trinkert. The architect and his employer: Carl Gottlob Horn’s passive mobility and its significance for Heinrich Carl von Schimmelmann’s social ascendancy
  • Eduards Kļaviņš. Pragmatic migration and romantic nomadism of artists across and from the German-ruled Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire at the turn and the beginning of the nineteenth century

Krājumā apkopoto četrpadsmit rakstu pamatā ir 2019. gada 26.–28. septembrī Rīgā un Rundālē notikušās starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences The Migration of Artists and Architects in Central and Northern Europe 1560–1900 referāti.

Darbu finansēja Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds LMA īstenotajā projektā Nr.


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